

although some things begin from the heart, as this has, it has mutated overtime into a cry from a place that runs deeper. less physical. spiritually yearning; the deepest side in all of us. a side that should not only be protected, but cherished. when something is so precious, there comes apprehension; the dilemma of being seen and than being forgotten. of being so far away from one another that the light falls on blind eyes. to be met with something that no longer feels like mine. to say too little, too much. 

 but what i forget, and it seems many of us do, hidden behind the cyclical path of renewal is a time where vulnerability must shine. we must reflect the flares of what stands behind us onto an empty canvas. onto new eyes. there is so much good in allowing the expansion of ourselves upon others, only then can we learn from who we share this earth with.

i have always lived my life in phases, mutating into a different persona to experience emotions overflowing, at times immersing myself so deeply in unknown territory where i can't even identify them as my own to start with. my own excuse, or rather the reasoning i have convinced myself is the truth behind this, is to feel everything for the sake of understanding. new perspectives, new beginning. death that is not my own and joy that is so mine it feels undeserved.

 "drawn by moonlight" is not a project. it is a being. something that i have put together over the years without even knowing the final evolution, which to this day it is not even close to. you will find works that have come from these phases of myself. some new, some old, some that do not even fall on a timeline; they permeate my different states of being all together. 

thank you for joining on this path with me. i hold your hand as you hold mine, and hopefully we can follow the moon and reach the other side together. 


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